Liquid Waste DisposalThe WVRSA accepts via truck - DOMESTIC wastewater, greywater, leachate, septage and sewage sludge for disposal within the treatment plant facility. Liquid waste is accepted 7-days/week, including weekends and holidays. Hours of operation are: SUMMER (April – November) 6AM – 9PM WINTER (December – March) 7AM – 7PM NOTE: Emergency delivery outside normal hours can be accommodated upon receipt of verbal approval from the plant operator and/or Executive Director. All haulers must enter into a Liquid Waste Disposal Agreement with the Authority. Please call the business office for current disposal rates. The WVRSA operates two (2) disposal sites within the facility. Haulers have the option and flexibility to utilize either site. 1) Gravity Discharge Site: Trucks discharge via gravity into an enclosed bar rack and grit containment area. 2) Gravity and Pressure System: Trucks discharge via gravity and light or medium pressure (up to 10 PSI) into two (2) Franklin Miller septage receiving stations. PLEASE NOTE: THE WVRSA DOES NOT ACCEPT LIQUID WASTE FROM PRIVATELY OWNED CAMPERS, MOBILE HOMES, RV’S, ETC. |